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TIPS TO KNOW: The more you KNOW, the more you'll GET out of it!

Here are some of my most helpful tips and tricks I want you to keep in mind to stay on track and get the most out of your hard work!​


Try them out, and see how much more effective your workout will be!

Lift your toes in your shoe when squatting

When performing a squat, you want to make sure your ​


Once you've reached the lowest point of your squat, raise your toes in your shoe to ensure that your weight is sitting in your glutes and hamstrings. When coming back up, push your weight into your quads.

This little trick will automatically push your knees behind yours toes, and keep your squat form perfect!

A COLD stomach is a GOOD stomach!

During cardio intervals, feel your lower stomach and make sure it is COLD! A cold stomach means your body is in it's fat burning zone!

(Think of it like an AC.... your body's temperature is getting hotter during the cardio, so it needs to 'turn on the AC' to cool the body back to a lower temperature. What will your body use to power that AC?!...FAT!

Fat stores will be the first available fuel to your body in order to fuel and turn on that AC! Therefore, a cold stomach means, your body is using the fat to power the 'AC' ...which means FAT LOSS! ​


You can also check the back of your thighs, glutes and triceps and see if they are cold...all common fat stores!​​​



Refuel your body 45 minutes post workout

You have 45 minutes after your workout to eat and refuel your body! While exercising, your body looses many vital nutrients. Refueling your body with complex carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats is the optimal way to help repair and refuel the body after a workout. The body is only able to utilize these nutrients in that special way 45 minutes after your workout, so don't forget to nourish your body immediately after! A protein shake with skim milk, protein powder, strawberry and banana  is the perfect post workout snack! 


Eat Before Exercising!

​That's right; eat before exercising! I'm not talking about a 5-course meal before a workout (that will for sure re-visit you during the workout) but, a light snack with complex carbohydrates, fiber and protein 1-2 hours prior to exercise is very important. These nutrients will keep your stomach busy, full and give you the energy you need to get through an intense workout! Exercising on an empty stomach can cause your muscles to basically 'eat themselves' (since there is no food fuel for your body to use for energy), which is the exact opposite of what you would want to happen! Something small, like a banana, gives you enough energy to get through a 90min high cardio workout!

Water, water, water!

Drink up! 

Staying hydrated is one of the most important things in your workout!

​You lose/use 8oz of body fluids every 15 min when exercising (especially during cardio).

If you are thirsty...then you are already de-hydrated!

*And yes, a great indicator of good hydration is clear or light yellow pee :)

​ You should be drinking about  2-3 16oz of water per hour while exercising!

I'm a huge fan of Camelbak water bottles. They keep me hydrated throughout the entire day and are beyond durable! Plus, water keeps your skin looking great! Check them out at

Muscles need 48-72 hours to repair.

Repair? But they aren't broken?!...

After working out a certain muscle group, your muscle will have tiny little tears all over (don't worry..that's a GOOD thing!) These tiny little tears need time to recover, repair and rebuilt themselves, so they can be bigger, better and stronger! This repair process usually takes 48-72 hours, which means that you must REST that muscle group so it has time to repair!

Keep this in mind...If you decide to work the same muscle group again the very next day (when the muscle hasn't had sufficient time to repair) then you'll just be re-tearing the muscle all over again (interrupting the current repair process) and therefore  your workout from the previous day was for nothing since the muscle is just torn all over again, and needs to start that repairing process one more time.

Don't let your hard work go to waste!

That means:  A modified pushup (knee push up) for a female is equivalent to a regular push up for a male!


C'mon ladies, show the guys whats up with your regular push ups!


A man's chest muscle is equivalent to a woman's leg muscle

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!

Eating breakfast is the most important thing you can do for your body!

It will ultimately keep your stomach full for a longer period of time, give you more energy and actually makes you eat LESS throughout the day!

However, make sure to eat a wholesome breakfast, like fresh fruit, with low-fat yogurt and homemade protein granola instead of sugary cereals with fatty whole milk or Pop Tarts!

Click the link below to check out my delicious, and healthy recipes for some perfect breakfast options!

Finish the Minute Recipes


Alternate cardio and weights for ultimate fat burn!

Cardio brings your heart rate up, strength training/weights keeps your heart rate a little lower.


​When mixing cardio and weights, your heart rate will be going up and down and up and down, allowing your body to achieve ultimate fat burn! ​




Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth

Don't forget to breathe!!!

When contracting your muscle (when it's harder and it burns) EXHALE, when your release the muscle tensions (when it gets easier and body is returned to normal position) INHALE.

Proper breathing is key and will actually make the exercise EASIER!​


Sweat is Fat


Keep that in mind, when your body is dripping in sweat!

Make it cry, so it never wants to come back!


Don't deprive yourself!!!

Food is delicious and we all love to eat!

That's why we should NEVER deprive ourselves

of the amazing foods that are out there!


Don't over-indulge and don't constantly reward yourself with food (you are not a dog!) Allow yourself to just taste something to satisfy that craving, instead of having a whole serving of it!

(And in case you do, just make sure to kill it at the gym!


Knowing your heart-rate will change the way you exercise!

A heart rate monitor keeps track of your heart rate while calculating calories burned and % maximum (not to mention a ton of other awesome features!)

Your maximum heart rate is = 220 - Your Age

​​For cardio, you want to be anywhere from 140-180bpm

and for strength 100-140bpm (based on your fitness level)

If you don't have a heart rate monitor, find your pulse and count the beats for 1 minute to find your heart rate.

I swear by my heart-rate monitor and never exercise without one.

Check out for some great options!

Monitor your

heart rate!

Eat 6 small

meals per day

Eat, and eat often!

Try to eat about 6 small meals per day (about every 3-4 hours).

This will keep your stomach full the entire day and allows your metabolism to constantly have something to do resulting in a faster metabolism down the road!

Just keep in mind...your body can digest and burn a smaller amount of food a lot easier and more efficiently than one huge meal!..which

means there is a less possibility for fat storing!

--> You can clean up a spill from a cup of water a lot faster than a whole bucket spilling, can't you?!



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